Have you been thrown into the deep end with remote learning or distance learning?
I know many speech-language pathologists – in the schools and otherwise – around the country are scrambling to figure out how to handle school closures, shelter in place orders, and social distancing in due to the coronavirus.
Today, I wanted to share some resources that I have found helpful! For me, my district has chosen to go the printed work packet and parent check-in route, so these are primarily the resources I will be sharing, but they would also work for teletherapy or a platform such as Google Classroom or SeeSaw.
I am also recording morning meeting videos with my husband for his private parent group. (For those of you who don’t know, we both work in the same elementary school – he teaches our special education room for kindergarten through second graders, so we share many of the same students.)
My primary goals with the materials I sent home to my students were to:
- not overwhelm parents
- help practice skills that had previously been worked on at school
- be realistic when estimating the time and support available at home
With that in mind, here are TEN of my top suggestions for materials for SLPs:
- Basic Homework for SLPs – These were designed to cover the majority of your preschool, elementary, and middle school caseload with activities that are easily adaptable for different goals and ages, and don’t require any special materials parents might not have access to while at home. I have a free three week sample available, with a full ten weeks available here.
- General Speech and Language Suggestions for At Home Practice – This FREE three page handout includes general suggestions to help promote general speech and language development, and (differing from my normal terms of use!) MAY be shared any way you would like, including a public school district website.
- Articulation and Phonology Word Lists – These FREE word lists are perfect to quickly indicate what sound/pattern a student is working on, and share some sample target words to practice at home to be paired with any sort of activity. (I sent these home with my Basic SLP Homework.)
- SLP Video Companion – This FREEBIE is designed to be used in conjunction with any short video clip (suggestions included) to work on general language and articulation goals. (This is a great one to assign via Google Classroom or to print and send home!)
- High Stakes Vocabulary Builder – This is a great resource if you need to post short, pre-recorded videos on Google Classroom, SeeSaw, etc! Designed to target high frequency Tier 2 terms in a “word of the week” format, it would be easy to record yourself introducing this week’s word, and reviewing previous terms. FYI: It has two versions – the Junior Version (1st through 4th Grades) and Older Students Version (4th through 12th Grades).
- One Page Language and Articulation Sheets – These are terrific to use for your 2nd through 8th grade students! They cover a wide range of goal areas on one page – both language targets (multiple meaning words, context clues, comparing/contrasting, describing, synonyms, antonyms, conjunctions, and figurative language) and articulation targets. There are currently sets for R, L, and S/Z. PS: FREE sample for /r/ available here!
- Personal Dictionary Page – This FREE resource is open-ended, and perfect for any students in about third grade through middle school that are working on language and vocabulary skills. You could have your student fill in a section each time they find an unfamiliar word in their reading homework, or assign a specific list of terms.
- No Prep Monthly Homework Pages – These no-prep, print and go packets have pre-made, simple sheets for the most common articulation and language targets for about kindergarten through fifth grades, with monthly/seasonal themes. Find the versions for April and May here.
- Stuttering Bundle – This resource is particularly helpful for older elementary, middle school, and high school students who have had at least a few months in therapy already, and somewhat familiar with fluency enhancing strategies. It includes homework calendars with suggested topics to discuss. May be sent home, or worked through together in a format like Google Classroom.
- Mythical Creatures Mini Unit Bundle – This high-interest bundle is perfect for your upper elementary and middle school students working on general language goals. Three sets of materials are included, focusing on werewolves, vampires, and Frankenstein, and each includes a reading passage with accompanying activities.
I hope you find these resources useful! Please keep in mind my terms of use when sharing online: you are welcome to email my materials directly to individual parents, or to upload to a log-in/password protected site like Google Classroom or SeeSaw. Do not share PDF files with other SLPs/professionals, or post them on public websites or Google Drives (including free materials). If you want to share, please direct others to the original download link on TpT. Thank you!
I would love to receive the free materials in my inbox.