Need something new to work on articulation or phonology?
Check out this super easy idea – all you will need is a weekly pillbox, pom poms, a sharpie, and (optional) sticky labels!
I was looking for something to get a lot of repetitions in for my articulation students in at syllable and word levels, and when I came across these weekly pill boxes (affiliate link here), I knew it would make a great activity!
I took super sticky post it notes (affiliate link here) and cut them to fit the lids of each pill box lid. I then added syllable or word parts. I gave each student an index card with their target sound on it, and they took turns tossing pom pom balls into the box and practicing whichever syllable/target word that it made. (This was also a great way to talk about how some words might be real words, and some might be made up – several of my students needed work on this!)
Check out the following video for more details:
Once this activity is prepped, all you have to do is pull it off the shelf for your next group! My kids really enjoyed tossing the pom poms, and I loved all the quick trials we got it – if you have five trials of each of 7 syllables/words, that’s an easy 35 trials – or if you put two words/syllables on each lid, that doubles to 70! It makes a great warm up or main activity for your elementary speech language therapy sessions.
Bonus: this is a great activity to travel with between sites/locations, as it slips easily into your therapy bag and won’t take up much space!
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This is so easy and effective!
Natalie, this is pure GENIUS! Thanks for sharing!
Ann Marie