Do you find yourself struggling to come up with appropriate introductory activities for your middle and high school students in speech-language therapy? You know you want to spend some time getting to know your students at the beginning of the year, but it can be difficult to find activities that your students think are too “young” or immature.
That’s why I created this quick freebie to help! It not only helps you get to know your students, but also sets your therapy year off on the right foot by helping to highlight positive traits about a student.
The first page asks the student to circle positive statements about themselves, which can be a surprisingly difficult task for some. One of my primary goals in speech language therapy is to make students feel safe and valued, and this type of activity can help set the tone for achieving that goal over the school year.
The second page allows students to share about some of their likes and preferences, and is customizable to a student’s level – if writing is difficult, he or she can draw pictures in the space provided instead.
Interested? Check out the free download here!
Maria says
Hi!!!… this is a great “getting to know you” activity! I used it with my students!!! I just want to let you know that “I am organized” is on there twice 🙂 hope this helps!! 🙂