Do you ever feel like you deserve a little more recognition for all the amazing things you accomplish and juggle as a school based SLP?
Well, unfortunately, I don’t have any medals to hand out, but I do have some honorary merit badges for things that totally deserve one!
Completed progress reports!
Graduated one student before three more moved in. :/
Helped a student learn to say their name correctly!
Explained your full job title…again.
Completed the first draft of your therapy schedule in one week or less!
Got over 100 productions in a session!
Managing to fit every student into your schedule!
Made it through 4 or more IEP meetings in one day!
Had a breakthrough with a student!
Followed the student’s lead for a fantastic session.
Student’s excellent progress warranted a dance party!
You totally wrote a terrific and thorough evaluation report.
A student carried over a skill into conversation!
Finding the perfect resource for your students!
Totally got 10,000+ steps in the hallway alone today.
Acing that “make it work” therapy moment!
Did your part in changing Balentime’s Day into Valentine’s Day.
Unknown says
As a supervisor of a team of SLPs – I Love these! How can I print them? 🙂